Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Christmas Market Stall

It’s been extremely busy over the last few days with plenty of  work coming into the workshop.  At the moment we have a couple of vintage bikes awaiting tyres which are still out of stock with our supplier.  Luckily the owners are in no rush to get them back because if we purchase them else where they will be at least double the price we normally pay, the cost of which we of course we will have to pass on to the customer.

Yesterday also saw us open our new pop-up stall in Stafford Market.  It’s something we’ve been talking about doing for sometime but with Christmas just around the corner we thought we would test the water especially as the market is open everyday until Christmas .  Although Monday is not a normal market day so footfall was low we did get a good reaction, sold some raffle tickets – we are raffling off a new bike for Christmas (only £1 per ticket) and had a number of requests for collections of donations.

If you are in town pop in and say hello and of course buy a raffle ticket!!

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