Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Freddie Grubb Tandem

Today we started work on getting out 1960s  Freddie Grubb Tandem back on the road. It really doesn't need much doing to it apart from replacing a missing spoke in the rear wheel.  However that’s where the problem starts as the wheel is laced with much thicker spokes than normal.  After much measuring and head scratching we worked out the spokes are 13 gauge single butted (the same size all the way down) instead of the more common, and thinner 14 gauge double butted which are found on modern bikes.  Unfortunately a couple of hours trawling the internet should us that getting these off the shelf was impossible.

However our friend Doug Pinkerton, who is professional cycle restorer  from Redditch has come to our rescue and has promised if he does not have what we are looking for in large stock of old parts will roll us some from longer length spokes.  Hopefully within a few days our tandem will be back on the road.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Christmas is coming

Are you a keen cyclist and are looking for something different to hang on your Christmas tree this year.  We might just have the answer.  Some of our volunteers are busily making tree decorations in the form of bike chain holly wreaths.  They measure 50mm in diameter and come complete with red festive bow and gold hanging loop.  Unfortunately the photograph does not show they are in fact holly green and not black as they appear!  This is a unique opportunity to get a decoration that is different while at the same time supporting the work of the charity.  They only cost £3.99 each and that includes free postage!

Meanwhile in the workshop Tim has started on a complete rebuild of a vintage Raleigh rod brake bike which the owner had blasted and re-sprayed.  Unfortunately he didn't take the bike apart before all this happened so every hole was filled with blasting sand, and the nuts have been sprayed over so they are difficult to undo!   So the rebuild is taking far more time than it should!  If you are thinking of having your bike blasted and repainted make sure its in pieces before you start and that any holes, especially the bottom bracket shell is filled and masked off to prevent sand getting inside. 

Monday, 24 November 2014

Ebay record sales

It’s rather cold in the workshop this morning as the mechanics and volunteers keep telling me.  In fact every time I come back to the office I find squatters sitting around the heater!  Unfortunately they just don’t seem to understand the office heater is reserved for the use of office staff only!

I also keep telling the workshop staff that  Kacey, who is working in our eBay department, is not complaining of the cold, but this does not help in fact it just makes matters worse.  Today is just the first day with a frost so I’m looking forward to when it really gets cold!

At this time of year the sale of bikes drops off, but luckily eBay sales are going through the roof.  As we break more and more bikes we are getting a wide rage of sought after parts for sale.  This month will see us break all our previous records.  We can certainly see this increase as we are constantly topping up our franking machine and making regular visits to the postbox on the corner of our road.

If you are looking for a bargain check our eBay pages – there is a link from the front page of the Back2Bikes website.

Friday, 21 November 2014

Workshop Imrovements

We are always looking to make improvements to the two units Back2Bikes occupy in Greyfriars.  This week has been no exception as Will and his team have started work reorganizing Unit to give us more room and better storage.   When we tool over the unit last year it was divided about 2/3rds of the way down by a wall that just got in the way.  However after 30 mins, two large hammers, and some muscle the wall disappeared!  It now just a matter of tidying up and rearranging the racking.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Italian Bottom Bracket!

Another interesting job in the workshop today. This time Tim has been struggling to fit a new bottom into a bike that’s been brought in for a shed load of repairs.  After finally removing the old one he found the shell was far to big to fit  a standard size replacement.  After much measuring, scratching of  heads, and trying various space cups, he discovered the bike, which was made in the UK, was in fact fitted with the larger “Italian” type.  Luckily our supplier just happen to have one in stock and with express overnight delivery it will be with us in the morning. 

Once Tim has this it will only take about 30 minutes to finish the job before the customer is given a call to ask him to come and collect his rideable and safe bike!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Broken Crank

A young man turned up this morning pushing his friends bike which had a one piece chain set with a broken arm.  It appears his friend, who is quite large, was just riding his bike and snapped the crank arm off.  Unfortunately, as the bike is from the 1980’s and has a overlarge bottom bracket shell getting a new replacement is impossible, so at the moment we are going through our stock of used spares trying to find something that will fit. If that draws a blank there seems to be no alternative but to scrap the bike!

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Busy workshop

Not really cycling weather today, or at least it isn’t if you are just a leisure cyclist.  We can certainly tell the outside temperature or whether it’s wet or dry by the amount of refurbished bikes we sell.

At this time of the year our sales do decline,  as does the amount of service work we get in.  However we do have a hardcore of regular cyclists who rely on our workshop for their repairs, so there is always work to do.

So far today the workshop has done quite a lot of work on one bike. We’ve replaced a chain and cassette replaced all the cabled, trued the wheels and replaced the brake pads.  Also on the go is repairs to a Giant MTB which include replacing the front mech – which was only ordered yesterday afternoon but arrived first thing this morning. And on top of all this our volunteers have serviced a couple of stock bikes, which having been checked by Tim are now out for sale.  Who says working in a bike shop is boring!!!

Monday, 17 November 2014


Welcome to our new blog

We are a bicycle recycling charity based in Stafford.  Not only do we recycle bicycles to provide affordable transport but in so doing provide the opportunity for unemployed volunteers to gain workshop experience which will help them in their quest to find paid employment.

As a charity we rely on donations of bicycles from the general public, Stafford Police, and Virgin Rail. This weekend was no exception and something very special came through the door. In fact it was six exceptional donations from the same lady - six late 1920's - early 1930's bicycles in rather good condition given they are around 80 years old. They included a child's single speed loop frame and a

They are so interesting we a thinking about adding them to our collection, and will in time restore them and hopefully hire them out for theater or film props.

What has also got us thinking is that one of the bikes has an unusual Sturmet Archer twist gear shifter which looks as if it only has a high and low setting.  At the moment Tim our mechanic is researching this and hopefully will find out more about it.

Let's see what tomorrow brings?  Another six bikes like this could come through the door or it might be just a child's BMX that started life in a high street supermarket!